Thesis Author: Wibisono Sastrodiwiryo
Supervisor: Dana Indra Sensuse, Ph.D
Organization: e-Government Laboratory of the University of Indonesia
The United Nation study results showed that e-Government will only be successful if there is strong demand and support from the community. Strong demand will come from better awareness of the opportunities offered by e-government services which can be achieved by increasing innovations. Innovations in massive amount can be provided if only allowing other parties to participate to create innovations. The ability to give other parties the opportunity to participate is to transform government into platforms. The power of platform has been proved by the winners of the computer industry such as IBM PC, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Apple’s iPhone and Facebook.
Learn from those successes, at the time of this research, thinking government as a platform is being much discussed in many developed countries namely U.S., UK, Australia and Canada. The discussion is about government in the form of a platform that uses the concept of Web 2.0. Some people call it as Government 2.0 and in the United States has maintained a summit since the year 2009 under the name of Gov 2.0 Summit.
This study examines model of Government 2.0 platform for the Indonesian e-Government context. Government 2.0 platform is more than just a web services because it will be used as the basis for e-Government services. It must have Web 2.0 characteristic by letting individual developers creating innovations.This way will enable other party other than Government to develop their own application and in the end it can multiply the impact of public services. The architecture of the platform is designed using Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA) so that inherit web services’ traits which are: “time to market”, “scalability” and “extensibility”.
Open Application Programming Interface (API) usage will encourage the democratization of innovation that is very much needed in the development of e-Government. As a platform that has the basic application components which can be shared by other applications, this platform also has four basic components to demonstrate the functionality of the service. The result is a web services with basic components which are: Navigation, Formfield, Authentication and Region taken from the four modules in the taxonomy of the Blueprint for e-Government Development issued by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Republic of Indonesia.
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